Monday, May 7, 2012

More Mimisms

While taking her bath, she asked for "air conditioner."  At first I thought I misunderstood her (because, after all, you can't really lipread "H"), but Rachael, passing by, confirmed that she did indeed ask for AC.

Another one:  "Mom, can you check my ears with q-picks?"

Avant Garde Vegan Poetry

Matt (at dinner tonight, eyeing his bean soup suspiciously):  Mom, is there tofu in this?

Rachael (starting to giggle):  Tofu?  Tofu?

Then all the kids pick it up on the silliness and start repeating it and singing it over and over again..."Tofu....tofu....tofuuuuuuuu!" 

Rachael:  What's tofu?

Me:  It's bean curd.

Matt (perking up):  Bean curd? Bean curd? Bean currrrrrrrd? 

Brotherly Love

 In honor of Rachael's request for a Harry Potter-themed birthday celebration (what other theme would you pick for an 11th birthday???), Matt put his clay-crafting abilities to work and left this surprise for her to find when she got home from school.  She was delighted, of course.  In all the excitement, I forgot to take a picture of her appreciation.